4 Shifts Professionals Use to Unleash their Inner Artist

Providing Artistic Mentorship for Accomplished Artists, High-Level Professionals, Retirees, and Their Spouses Whose Artistry Has Been Dormant For Years Or Decades.

Get Unstuck and Harness Your Creative Expression

By Crafting Heart-Centered Artwork that Expresses Your Vision and Purpose,

Without Sacrificing Your Authenticity


Providing Mentorship for Visual Artists, Retired Professionals, Amateurs, and Anyone In Between, Whose Art Has Been on the Sideline For Years Or Even Decades.

Unlock and Elevate Your Creative Expression,

Break Through Artistic Blocks, and Craft Heart-Centered Artwork that Authentically Expresses Your Truth,

Without Sacrificing Your Authenticity


What Do You Need Help With Today?


You are an accomplished professional or retiree whose artistry has been on the sidelines for far too long.

You have climbed the ladder of success, you are very knowledgeable, and your lifestyle is comfortable, yet something is missing. You are feeling creatively stuck and burnt out. Yet, with all you have accomplished and achieved, your artistic expression is the missing link because your Art is dormant and your creativity is unexpressed.

The essence of filling this gap is the expression of your Art. Art is the Answer! The alignment of your career and lifestyle hinges on creating deeply heartfelt and innovative Artwork. This allows you to satisfy your inner yearning with vision and purpose while feeling congruent as a high-achieving professional who is aligned with their artistic potential.

But not just any artwork—the right artwork. Art that is powerful and unique, which represents your vision and life’s journey. Art that takes risks and is innovative, art that tells your story, art that is original, transformative, and stands out from the crowd. You want to make artwork that is playful, expressive, and about the experience.

And you can achieve all of this without imitating, tiptoeing, or following fleeting trends.

We can guide you.

We can help.

Most online art programs offered today plain don't work.

Large groups, technique only, no individual support, no soul… all that stuff.

There's a vast difference between copying someone else's process and unleashing your unique voice with courage and confidence, filled with meaning and authenticity.

We are with you every step of the way because we know that consistency, accountability, and support are important strategies for you to set and reach your artistic goals and milestones.

Overall, I would recommend your program to any artist looking to give an energetic boost to their art. You have a lot to offer them -- whether they are beginners trying to figure out how to start, well-established professionals seeking inspiration to evolve into a new area, or something in the vast space between. In fact, the insightful development you provide will serve artists in a multitude of creative arenas from fine art to sculpting, ceramics and even writing, because you help your proteges to become the best version of themselves they can imagine.

Beth Peters

There’s a better way...

Our art coaching program for accomplished artists, high-achieving professional, retirees and their spouses empowers our clients to unleash their artistic greatness through effective and innovative methods. We provide comprehensive technical optimization, mindset development, and accountability support, enabling you to take decisive action and craft extraordinary and transformative artworks that leave a lasting impact on the world.

We know that you value success and that mastery and accountability are important to you. We are here to help you get out of the analytical mind and into artistic flow.

Welcome to our site. Please have a look at our About page. Click on our Success Stories page and meet some artists we’ve worked with.

And when you’re ready, click below to watch a complimentary webinar about the exact process we use to help our clients cultivate their artistic calling and create work that touches their soul, providing endless enjoyment and satisfaction, without the grind and self-judgment.

Welcome to

All the best,

Daniel Kanow
